Hi I am trying to play diffrent idle animations randomly but I kinda cant make it to work in C#.The code compiles but only first animation playes. is there an easy way to change randomly idle animation? in c#
public class AutoAnimateNPC : MonoBehaviour {
Vector3 lastPos;
public AnimationClip walkAnim;
public AnimationClip idleAnim;
public AnimationClip idleAnimm;
public AnimationClip idleAnimmm;
int aaa=1;
bool anim1=true;
bool anim2=false;
bool anim3=false;
public bool overrideAnimationSpeeds = false;
public float idleAnimSpeedModifier = 1.0f;
public float walkAnimSpeedModifier = 1.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
lastPos = transform.position;
if (overrideAnimationSpeeds)
animation[walkAnim.name].normalizedSpeed = walkAnimSpeedModifier;
animation[idleAnim.name].normalizedSpeed = idleAnimSpeedModifier;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().remainingDistance < 0.5f)
// here i tried to alternate animations one by one but i guess all of the "if statmens" are done in one frame
// I tried also with if(b){changeanimation();)
if(anim1==true){animation.CrossFade(idleAnim.name, 0.2f);anim1=false; anim2=true;}
if(anim1==false && anim2==true){animation.CrossFade(idleAnimm.name, 0.2f);anim2=false;anim3=true;}
if(anim2==false && anim3==true){animation.CrossFade(idleAnimmm.name, 0.2f);anim3=false;anim1=true;}
else if (lastPos != transform.position)
void change animation(){