random impulse force , random direction +/-45 degrees ,random direction ,random impulse force

How do I add a random direction +/-45 degrees of the direction the satellite is facing. That is, a random number between -45 and 45 should be added to its rotation. Along with a random impulse force between 0.25 and 3. This is my code so far.

// Add time since last call to Update
secondsSinceLast += Time.deltaTime;

    // For each key, instantiate at position of this object (adjusted with an offset).
    // and rotation of firing object. Then give force in the proper direction
    if (secondsSinceLast >= secondsBetweenCoins)
        GameObject p = Instantiate(projectile, // Offset forward
                                   transform.position + transform.up * offset,
        Rigidbody2D prb = p.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        // Force forwards along local y axis
        prb.AddRelativeForce(new Vector2(0, -force), ForceMode2D.Impulse);

        // Reset timer
        secondsSinceLast = 0;


you need to use- Random.Range(1,6f);
here is an example: float speed = Random.Range(1,6f);
it will set speed float to 1-6