random Instantiate GameObject

hi to all …

how can i Instantiate 2 or more GameObject to random ?

example i have 3 Prefab .

var Bullet1 : GameObject  ;
var bullet2 : GameObject  ;
var bellet3 : GameObject  ;

 Instantiate(Bullet1 ,Vector3(-26,0,16.5), Quaternion.identity);

Sorry, could you elaborate on what you want to randomize? You can use Random.Range to pick random numbers, like this:

var min = 0.0;
var max = 10.0;

function Update () {
   //Every frame choose a new random number between 0 and 10
   Random.Range (min, max);

You can do all sorts of randomized behaviors by assigning results to numbers and picking a random number.

Here is how I do it:

Top of code:

GameObject clone;

a function later on that I call in my invaders game

	void setupBunkers()
    	for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
        	clone=(GameObject) Instantiate(objBunker); 

Hope this helps.

I need to randomize the Instantiate of 3 objects, namely 3 types of bullets …

random.range it random only number not objects …

thanks for all Helps

how about something simple like this:

randomNumber = Random.Range (0, 3);

  case 0: Instantiate(Bullet1 ,Vector3(-26,0,16.5), Quaternion.identity); break;

  case 1: Instantiate(Bullet2 ,Vector3(-26,0,16.5), Quaternion.identity); break;

  case 2: Instantiate(Bullet3 ,Vector3(-26,0,16.5), Quaternion.identity); break;


or you can always use array randomize the index if you want to be fancy :smile:


thank you very much …

the code is perfect …

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Ideally, you’d want to decouple the instantiation and the random selection.

If you stored the GameObjects in an array then you could just do

var randomBullet : GameObject = bullet[Random.Range(0,3)];
Instantiate(randomBullet, ... );

I’d do basically the same thing as Peter in concept, but, I’d write it maybe slightly differently. The function is exactly the same, but just a matter of personal preference. :slight_smile: Here’s the full code (untested, but, I think it should work)

// Set these in the inspector
var bullets : GameObject[];

function GenerateBullet() {
     // Get a random bullet index
     var bulletNum : int = Random.Range(0, bullets.length);

     // Generate the bullet
     Instantiate(bullets[bulletNum], Vector3(-26,0,16.5), Quaternion.identity);

Thanks guys, in the end I used all 2 for 2 different roles,

This is a beautiful community, thanks