Random Invalid AABB inAABB error

Ok, so I don’t know if this is exactly a question or if submit it as an issue but here’s the problem:

I have an application where you input text in a TextField and the sign language gesture of this word plays as an animation of a 3D model in the scene. At completely random times an "Invalid AABB inAABB" error appears and after that the input doesn’t work anymore at all. All buttons/ textfields/text etc. are correctly scaled (all 1,1,1), font is the Unity default (Arial) and the problem appears to be much more profound in slower PCs. Is this maybe an Event System issue? A problem with the Animator?

The exact problem is:

Invalid AABB inAABB
UnityEngine.Canvas.SendWillRenderCanvases ()


Ok, so I had forgotten an !isIdle flag and now at least the input works but the

Invalid AABB inAABB

problem remains at completely random times. I’ve checked all the menu elements at runtime and in the editor. It’s just random. If anyone has any idea why this might happen please help. Thanks! :smiley:

Somewhere you have a script which divided by zero, then tried to assign NaN as a position to one of your transforms.

Try looking at transforms to see which one has positions as NaN, and determine which script influenced it

I also facing this issue and the issue was in my ui image’s local scale. So solved it by changing from localscale to fill amount for progress bars…

Had such error. Couldn’t find the reason, discarded all the changes, and added and checked them step by step, to define where is the problem. As a result, I returned everything exactly the same - prefabs, scripts, scenes, without changing anything, the error was gone. Fun time!

I had the same error. It was solved by change the TMP textfield’s font into another one. Seems like some font may cause this error.

I’m getting this spammed on a UI object when I hold ‘alt’ while resizing it vertically. I restarted unity and it persisted. Had to delete the object for it to stop.

Edit: It has something to do with where the pivot point is, when I moved it from the top middle to the middle center, the error did not start spamming.

what is the soluiton for this in 2025?