Random island generation?

Me and my friend are making a 3d top down game and I’ve been having a hard time trying to find an asset that can help create a randomly generated island on command (i.e. clicking “play” in the menu screen). I have the terrain toolkit but not yet sure how to go about doing this. If anyone knows I would really appreciate the help.

Look up in the documentation on how to modify heightmap data of the terrain.

Then look up algorithms to generate heightmaps. A heightmap is pretty much a 2d array of height values. Apply this to your terrain to make lumps.

Do some calculations based on elevation and angle of each face to set your materials for the terrain, just like the toolkit.

If you want it to be islands, add some water at a height over a massive area. Modify your terrain algorithm to favour peaks so they stick out of the water.

This is extremely high level but a tutorial on the whole process is MASSIVE. Part of the fun is starting out with a shitty algorithm and enjoying the wacky results! Good luck!