Random number at a specific position

Is there a way to get a random number from a specific position. I have my terrain random generator set up so it will generate new world as you go and unloads it behind you, and saves your seed when you quit. Now if I want to load in a specific segment, what should I do?

Perhaps you could save off the number of segments that you have generated prior to quitting (as you do the seed value)? Then, on load you could “dispose” of that many random numbers (simply loop through and generate then forget them) so that you wind up at the segment you want (given by the index from segment 0 generated with the original seed).

Alternatively, you could come up with your own formula to create a unique seed to use to initialize the random number generator just ahead of a call to produce a new segment. In this way you can return to a segment by calculating its seed using your own formula.