Random.onUnitSphere Hemisphere?

I am working on an AR game that includes ships spawning and moving towards the planet at the center. Everything works fine; however, I don’t want the Prefab ships spawning within a negative Y coordinate.

My spawn line is:

Instantiate(spawnObject, Random.onUnitSphere * 20, Quaternion.identity);

Is there any way that I can have them spawn on more dome around the planet that is floating not far from the table surface? I don’t want the ships spawning below the planet. Thank you for any help - I am rather new to C#!

you can just do this:

var rand = Random.onUnitSphere;

rand.y = Mathf.Abs(rand.y);

that way all points will be on the top hemisphere

There has been similar questions like this in the past:


If you need my answer over there in C# (which i usually use) just leave a comment ^^.