Random Position For GameObject

Using Unity Pro

If you notice in Slender game, there are 8 notes/pages and every time you play, page place in different places. I wanted to do that but I don’t know how to make it.

I have 5 information/notes in my game (gameObject)

Well, I agree the question is kind of broad and vague, but should not have been closed and considered off topic. Have a look at Random.Range, and use it for each axis on a Vector3. Say all your “notes” will be on the same Y position, but x and z will be random, just for example’s sake.

float x;
float y;
float z;
Vector3 pos;

void Start()
    x = Random.Range(-25, 26);
    y = 5;
    z = Random.Range(-25, 26);
    pos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
    transform.position = pos;