Hey Guys
I am trying to make this script which chooses a random number between 1 and 10(inclusive) and then assign a string to a different variable, but when i run the game it just defaults the number to 0 and won’t change back.
#pragma strict
/*Names */
public var B1 = “Bob”;
public var B2 = “Tim”;
public var B3 = “Mike”;
public var B4 = “Dale”;
public var B5 = “John”;
public var G1 = “Mia”;
public var G2 = “Zara”;
public var G3 = “Ava”;
public var G4 = “Evie”;
public var G5 = “Savannah”;
/Shop Items/
public var Clock = 3;
public var Books = 8;
public var ToyCar = 6;
public var ToyForkLift = 3;
public var SandTimers = 2;
public var WoodenDish = 4;
public var PottedPlant = 7;
public var WhiteBoard = 1;
public var Vase = 4;
public var Wrench = 3;
public var CrowBar = 3;
public var SledgeHammer = 2;
public var Soap = 6;
public var AlarmClock = 4;
public var SilverTray = 5;
var PersonChoice = Random.Range(0f,11f);
var CurrentPerson = “”;
function Update () {
if(PersonChoice > 1 && PersonChoice < 2)
CurrentPerson = B1;
else if(PersonChoice > 2 && PersonChoice < 3)
CurrentPerson = B2;
else if(PersonChoice > 3 && PersonChoice < 4)
CurrentPerson = B3;
else if(PersonChoice > 4 && PersonChoice < 5)
CurrentPerson = B4;
else if(PersonChoice > 5 && PersonChoice < 6)
CurrentPerson = B5;
else if(PersonChoice > 6 && PersonChoice < 7)
CurrentPerson = G1;
else if(PersonChoice > 7 && PersonChoice < 8)
CurrentPerson = G2;
else if(PersonChoice > 8 && PersonChoice < 9)
CurrentPerson = G3;
else if(PersonChoice > 9 && PersonChoice < 10)
CurrentPerson = G4;
else if(PersonChoice > 10 && PersonChoice < 11)
CurrentPerson = G5;