Random Range Position

Hello… our screen size is Android wide 3:6. We have this object that when clicked it must be changing position. This object is a plane.

here is our code for changing position

var position =Vector2(Random.Range(0,1),Random.Range(1,0));

we are not sure if we must use Vector2 and what random.range we should declare help please. thank you

Watch using Random.range with int’s, the max is EXCLUSIVE see reference Random.Range

So you are going from a range of 0 to 0 on the x and y is messed up anyways with a range min of 1 and max of 0 thats at least backwards.

var randomy : int;
var randomx : int;

function Update ()
// do here on mouse click

randomy = Random.range(-1.5,1.5)
randomx = Random.range(-3,3)

transform.position.y = randomy
transform.position.x = randomx


tell me if this worked