Random slowness in Editor while playing

Last night I had no issues when playing on editor but then around after midnight, whenever I played in maximum window, there was a noticeable choppiness and slowness to my character’s movement (2D Rigidbody).

This morning I go back on, it’s back to being buttery smooth. Does Windows/software updates on the computer contribute to slowness or affect the performance of Unity Editor in any form?

Usually the computer’s scanning things around midnight so I figured that may have something to do with it?

Yes of course. Unity is an application like any other on your PC, and it must share system resources with all other applications. If your computer is doing a heavy operation in the background like a virus scan, Unity’s performance can absolutely suffer.

I figured so. Only reason I asked was because I couldn’t really find topics that mentioned the editor getting slow because of the computer instead many people were getting told about refactoring the code for better results which I think would be a massive waste of time if it’s the computer hogging up the CPU instead. Thanks for the clarification.

You could check Task Manager during times of slowness. That should tell you if some other application is using a lot of system resources. If it’s mostly just Unity, that might indicate slowness in your scripts.