Random sprite selector

Hi i would like to implement a system that chooses a random sprite each time the game is started (just messing around with random generation at the moment)

So the way i’d like this to work is that there is an empty game object with a sprite renderer in it which chooses a random sprite
the hard part is that i have no clue how to create a selection of sprites for the script

any help?

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The general approach would look something like this:

  • Have an array or a list of all sprites
  • Generate a random index between 0 and spriteList.Count
  • Use the sprite at spriteList[randomIndex] as the sprite that gets rendered

Attach the script that does the above to your gameobject with the sprite renderer. In the Start() method use GetComponent to get the reference to the sprite renderer. After you selected the right sprite, make the sprite renderer render it. You dont need Update(), so everything happens in start. Reference sprite renderer → select random sprite → make renderer render the sprite.

How di i create a sprite list though?

Either load it from somewhere, or assign all sprites you want to chose from through the inspector.

So make a prefab with all the sprites ?

When you put a “[SerielizeField] private List spriteList” into your script, you could then fill the list from the inspector. I never worked with sprites, so i dont actually know if “Sprite” is a type that even exists, but you probably know which type to reference, so yeah.

All right i have been thinking how to do this but i finally finished and its glorius thanks for the help my dude