Recently, we have started receiving reports from end-users (players, not developers) about ads that appear outside of using an app. After some investigation, we found evidence of Android apps that run in the background, but will jump to the foreground to show an ad. Implementing Unity Ads in this way may be a violation of our Invalid Activity Policy and can result in the suspension of your development organization.
We are adding additional logging to detect this type of behavior. In the mean time, we are instructing users on the best way to find which specific app is showing these ads and uninstall it.
Here are steps to find out what app is showing these ads:
- After the ad is shown, there will be an End Card with a Privacy icon in the bottom left corner.
- Clicking on this brings up the privacy message, and a Build Info button on the bottom left.
- This screen has some debugging info that is useful for tracking down bugs in general, but for this purpose, the most relevant section is the app field. This will be the bundle ID of the app that launched this particular ad.
- If you search for the bundle ID, you should be able to find the name of the app, which you can use to uninstall the app from your device.
(This forum post is primarily geared for end-users that are searching for a solution to these kind of pop-up ads on their device.)