I downloaded 2 fps packs yesterday (that took 2 years to install) and now I have 3 errors that seem to be related to the fps control pack. Here is a screenshot of the errors: Screenshot by Lightshot
I clicked on the script to find it but I did ctrl + f “constructor” and got nothing, so I don’t understand what it is referring to or how to fix it.
Replace lines 107 to 123 in ProGrids_GUI.js with this:
if(GUILayout.Button(GUIContent(snapSizeGraphic as UnityEngine.Texture, "Change the Grid Size and Units")))
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Grid Size and Units", "Grid size and units are adjustable at any time! Meters, Centimeters, Feet, and Inches are available. Sorry, not available in the Free Version.", "Okay");
//show angles on/off toggle
if(GUILayout.Button(GUIContent(anglesOffGraphic as UnityEngine.Texture, "Toggle Angles Visibility On/Off")))
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Angle Guidelines", "You can view handy Angle Guidelines for precise construction. Sorry, not available in the Free Version.", "Okay");
I got this from this link FPS Forum
They have a long discussions for this error.