Hi, i’m fairly new to unity and only have created a few 2D games with unity i have been trying to learn random world creation but haven’t found anything useful to me so far because of most tutorials and forums they only talk about small amounts of tiles that are more or less the same shape and type. any help is appreciated.
Generally you use noise of some kind.
Then translate that to whatever to your tiles or however your game is represented to the player.
I have seen tutorials about perlin noise but never used it because i couldn’t see how i could put my assets into it and how i could convert it to 2D
Noise functions just give you back some numeric value. You need to then translate that into something useful for yourself. For example, you can use Perlin noise to translate into the biome of an area by saying all values greater than .8 are snow, .6 are forest, .4 are plains, .2 is beach and anything less than that is water. Obviously, that’s just a very simple solution. You have to look into each function and what it gives you.