Randomly floating GUI Texture

I have an object (Object A) with a GUITexture attached to it. When I make Object A a child of Object B which is a child of my Main Camera, it causes the GUITexture of Object A to float around randomly in front of my camera when I move my mouse or just my character around the center of my map. Any help?

GUITextures can’t be children of non-GUI objects (they can, but it makes the mess you’re seeing.) If you want some text sticks to you “in the world” can either use a Text3D, or look up the Camera.WorldToScreenPoint trick for positioning a GUITexture.

The problem is, GUITextures use different 0-1 screen coords. If you child it to a ball, and the ball moves +1 x in the world (which is probably a small amount on the screen,) the automatic child-mover incorrectly moves the GUITexture child by +1 x screens, which pushes it completely off the edge of the 0-1 screen world.