Randomly generate lines

Hi, new to unity, and in need of help!

How would I go about generating a line from any point on the edge of the screen that will always aim for the centre of the screen, that will randomly change angle within a certain radius (without doubling back on itself), and once it has reached the centre, to fade out along the path?

This probably sounds like nonsense, so I created a .gif to show what I mean: alt text

I appreciate any help!


As other’s have mentioned, this is a wide question with potentially multiple technical issues. I decided to give it a try mostly because I wanted to see what it would look like. Typically on UA we look for questions with a narrower focus.

This code works by Instantiating a game object with a script and a TrailRenderer.

  • Create an empty game object
  • Attach the following script
  • Attach a TrailRenderer component
  • Adjust the TrailRenderer
  • Make this game object a prefab
  • Delete the game object from the scene

I setup my TrailRenderer with:

  • Time: 0.5
  • Start Width: 0.02
  • End Width: 0.02

This code expects the target to be a game object with the name “Target”. Modify as necessary.

#pragma strict

var target          : Transform;
var legDist         : float = 0.3;  // Distance for each leg
var period          : float = 0.05; // Time between each leg
var maxOffset       : float = 0.5; // Maximum distance to scale angle
var startNarrowDist : float = 2.0; // The distance the offset starts to narrow
var maxLive         : float = 1.0; // Maximum life after hit

private var hasHit = false;
private var timestamp : float = Mathf.Infinity;
private var _transform : Transform;

function Start () {
	_transform = transform;
	target = GameObject.Find("Target").transform;

function Fire() {
	var toTarget = target.position - _transform.position;
	var lastPos = _transform.position;
	var perp = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, toTarget).normalized;

	transform.position +=  transform.forward * -0.001;

	while (true) {
		var dist = Vector3.Distance(target.position, _transform.position);
		var angle : float;

		if (_transform.position == target.position) {
			if (!hasHit) {
				hasHit = true;
				timestamp = Time.time + maxLive;
			else {
				if (Time.time >= timestamp) {
		else if (dist <= legDist) {
			_transform.position = target.position;
		else {
			lastPos += toTarget.normalized * legDist;
			var perpDist = maxOffset;
			if (dist < startNarrowDist) {
				perpDist = maxOffset * dist / startNarrowDist;
			_transform.position = lastPos + perp * Random.Range(-perpDist, perpDist);
		yield WaitForSeconds(period);

You fire it by Instantiating the prefab at some position. It destroys itself when it is finished. Note this a 2D solution. For 3D there are likely some changes to be made. One change would be this line:

 var perp = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, toTarget).normalized;

…would become:

 var perp = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, toTarget).normalized;

…if the ‘ground’ was parallel to the XZ plane.

One possible approach would be to have a line renderer start at a random point on the edge of the screen and end at the center. To get a random (world coordinate) position outside the screen, off the top of my head, I’d say add a random value between [-1,1] to the x & y location of the camera. The center of the screen is camera.transform.forward+1f

Then, divide the line to how many segments you want and add some variation to each mid-point. You’ll probly have to play with the values a little to get consistent good results.

For the fading effect you could animate a transparent material (possibly a gradient of some sort) across the line to give the impression of a beam advancing and then fading.

There is also a procedural lightning generator( + other procedural examples ) available on the asset store, which may or may not be suitable for your needs.