Randomly spawning boosts on a race game?(C#)

I’m creating a race game that takes place on a highway with four lanes. After a set amount of time, a boost is supposed to spawn in one of the lanes, at random. I have created several games previously using XNA, but this is my first Unity experience, so I’m trying to adapt my methods correctly. What I tried was this:

I created a Main class out of habit, but I’m wondering whether it’s a good idea in Unity or not. In it I included the following code:

//Create boost list
List<Boost> boosts = new List<Boost>();


//Boost spawning function

public void spawnBoosts(){
    spawnBoostsTimer += 1;

	if (spawnBoostsTimer >= 60){
		boosts.Add(new Boost());
        spawnBoostsTimer = 0;

This is the constructor in the Boost class:

public Boost(){

	laneNumber = Random.Range (1, 5);

	if (laneNumber == 1){
		transform.position = new Vector3((float)0.4, -1, 15);
	else if (laneNumber == 2){
		transform.position = new Vector3((float)1.5, -1, 15);
	else if (laneNumber == 3){
		transform.position = new Vector3((float)2.54, -1, 15);
	else if (laneNumber == 4){
		transform.position = new Vector3((float)3.6, -1, 15);


No new boosts are spawning, and I cannot find a way to make them do so. What’s the correct way of spawning instances of objects on random locations?

Thanks in advance!

You don’t create game objects using new.

You create game objects using Instantiate on a prefab

See Unity - Scripting API: Object.Instantiate

You may also want to get and read this book, as it will cover a lot of the basics about how Unity works: