Hey guys,
This probably isn’t the first thread, but I was wondering if there was anything Unity could do to clarify to help keep the nonpaid work out of the paid section, it seems to be getting worse lately. Part of it is the rules and titles are some what confusing for new users to unity.
Here is my proposal. organize the current forums into 6 new like the general section and take out commercial work.
left column…
[ Paid ] Job Offers
[ Royalty ] Job Offers
[ Hobby ] Projects
right column…
[ Paid] Freelancers
[ Royalty] Freelancers
[ Free ] Talent
Royalty could have a different name such as split-share, or profit-share or equity.
I feel this would make things a lot easier, right now you have to swim through the crap, and people think they belong to one section instead of another. I even made the mistake of putting a post in the wrong section cause I thought well my project is commercial so it can’t go in the non-commercial section.
Btw The collaboration section should be Non Commercial, the current typo in the description is None Commerical.