Rant :/ so basically, my posts get "hidden by community" if ONE user reports them but I don't have the "power" to hide spam phishing threads/post

yeap, rant :confused: so basically, my posts get “hidden by community” if ONE user reports them but I don’t have the “power” to hide spam phishing threads/post

mods! clapping hands. I never report other users posts if I don’t agree with them, I’ve only reported ONCE a mod post just to see how it works if the post would had been hidden or not. And that was an action I’ve did after numerous post that I’ve made were targeted by a couple of users hiding them immediately and left in the limbo of "mods will check them and approve or remove which take days or (the majority) they never approve or remove the post just let it slide forever,

What I do is that I’m reporting spam posts, scams attempts, phishing attempts, like links to dangerous websites that can steal your data.

But, go figure I, myself, I don’t have the power to “report” anything. the dangerous posts remain visible.

So good work mods AND unity staff for your job in making this place safe. Final slow clap

actually, just a message for the usual band that will flag this post. no slow clap for you. you do not deserve it

There is no grand conspiracy like you’ve put forth in previous posts. You routinely post incorrect information as confident advice that shows a complete lack of knowledge of the way Unity and its related tools work.

Also the error you’re seeing is probably because the post you’re trying to report has already been reported/taken down in between opening it and reporting it.

I sometimes get these “You don’t have permission” errors when reporting posts too. It’s just because it’s already been taken down.

These posts aren’t hidden in a feed unless you properly refresh the page as well.

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if you’ve tried to put at least 0 effort in reading the post I’ve made instead on defaulting on attacking me as you do usually, you would had probably learned that this is not about anything I post but the fact that if I report a spam (real spam not other user opinions like you do) so if I report a spam comment that comment will not be hidden. my report is ignored. that doesn’t happened with your account for example, when you report my posts because you don’t like my opinion then my post gets hidden “because community”

there is no error. reporting the post does nothing. and I repeat I’m talking about real spam posts that have links to malware websites. I’m not reporting other users opinions if i don’t like or agree with those opinions.

I don’t report your posts. You’ve also claimed in the past that people have secret moderator accounts and are specifically targeting you.

bro lol. so exactly. how do you know this? I didn’t accused you on doing this. so why are you in this thread then :smiley: lol

you keep ignoring the thread point I’m trying to make

when you see a spam thread the type of those malware one day accounts that have links in blue hidden behind a word (no one but bots write links like that, normal users just post the link directly), please report them, and let me know if the post is hidden

Can you actually clarify what happens? Is there no button? Or is the post just not unlisted?

Your profile is at the standard trust level of ‘member’. I would assume it takes multiple reports from that trust level for the system to auto-takedown a thread.

Users at the higher trust level of ‘regular’ are able to have threads unlisted by reporting them as spam immediately.

There’s nothing surreptitious going on here.

Why should you, somebody who has routinely made baseless accusations against various users and Unity Technologies, who routinely posts inaccurate or outright wrong information, who is openly hostile to other users and staff, get elevated trust on the fittings that would let you automatically hide posts?

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reporting a comments does nothing from my account.

and I do want to specify that I don’t abuse the reporting feature, using it sporadically when I found one of these spam comments that have link to malware. fortunately I don’t see a lot of them actually.


actually, I like to speak my mind and that may be perceived as hostile in these modern “safe” spaces some like to think is a good idea to tuck in. While is not the point of this thread I’ve never made baseless accusations against anyone, no inaccurate or wrong information, unfortunately the time proved what I was saying for all the bad predictions I’ve made :frowning: , and if I’ve had some words about the (ex) CEO and the management I had good reasons since they did made some really bad decisions influencing the life of a big chunk of the unity workforce and the independent game developers career. The CEO also called me “stupid” so don’t know who was the “hostile” here.

You literally did both in the same thread within the last two weeks and plenty of times before that:

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trying to figure out what someone else bugs are is tricky, in the end it turns out he forgot to save the asset he was checking against. which means my answer was correct, a variable was not set, a variable was null.

you are splitting hair. isn’t that you have a personal antipathy against me for some reason? better find out the reason.

here is one things I’ve said that may have triggered you. Stop throwing accusations of me being abusive of unity staff and for once take a position, let me know if you agree with the following axiom:

unity workforce/staff was hurt financially and personally by incompetent management that wasted a couple of billions on weta tools instead of providing a healthy financial investment plan fixing and improving the engine. they top this out with a disastrous campaign to try to find money to save the company that sent away a big chunk of indie developers further damaging the unity workforce/staff.

Don’t lie. You said this:

your dashAction is not set for a certain moment in time. it starts as null. then you set it in the awake but before that is null. that is why you get the warning

Which is fundamentally wrong as Awake will run before anything else runs. And this is not the only time you’ve made a post demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of Unity and C# basics and fundamentals.

I’m almost of the opinion that you don’t actually use Unity.

I also think you have little grasp about unity. the error was about a variable being null and that was the issue confirmed by the user (he forgot to save the assets so unity was not setting the variables as it should had been)

just to wrap this “I’m better at unity” claim from you either you agree or disagree with my previous comment axiom so we know who we are talking with or you stop this nonsense about being great at unity (which you are not as I’ve noticed numerous times from your comments)

spiney199 is absolutely monumentally better at Unity than you are. You offering advice that would make problems worse or not work at all is a running theme with you, however.

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is funny how neither one of you, while claiming to be the white knights defending unity staff, refuse to answer yes or no at my question, instead you are attacking me for trying to help other users in cases where most of the time they don’t give clear information on their issues. yeah, give me a break you both are Gods of unity and you know everything 100% of the time.

btw. where are the mods to answer how this report thing works, how many user it takes to hide a spam comment, if one, two or three or whatever. their silence is deafening

The point is that you have shown, repeatedly, that you are not a member of the community who merits having elevated trust such that you should have the ability to automatically hide posts. You have also shown yourself to give out inaccurate information not just on Unity itself, but how the company works at all. On top of that, you’ve made accusations against staff and members of the community.

These are known things about you. This is your reputation here. Why would somebody with that reputation get these elevated permissions. You don’t need hard numbers about how many people it takes to hide a post either because that’s probably based on the cumulative trust level of the people doing the reporting.

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really? I’m sure you can provide plenty of examples. after you answer my question

Your question is beside the point of your own thread. Your profile only has standard ‘member’ trust level permissions. The majority of users are on this trust level. So is Murgilod’s profile, for that matter. That is why your spam reports don’t immediately take down a thread.

Everything else is beside the point.

We literally already have.

no your not both of you.

yet you come to the thread with offtopic comment now that we discuss on your offtopic subject you want to get back to the topic to not answer the question

like why is so difficult to answer yes or no anyway, what are you afraid off?