Rapid Fire Bullet Problem

I’m having trouble with my enemy AI firing rapid fire at my player when they should be delaying after each shot. I have tried start Coroutines and yields but nothing slows down the firing.

This is the code I’m trying to work with:

	//IEnumerator Fire()
	void Fire ()
       // yield return StartCoroutine(MyWaitFunction (1.0f));
				inputMovement = objPlayer.transform.position - transform.position;
				inputRotation = inputMovement; // face the direction we are moving, towards the player
				tempVector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(8f, Vector3.up) * inputRotation;
				tempVector = (transform.position + (tempVector.normalized * 0.8f));
				GameObject objCreatedBullet = (GameObject) Instantiate(ptrScriptVariable.objBullet, tempVector, Quaternion.LookRotation(inputRotation) ); // create a bullet, and rotate it based on the vector inputRotation
				Physics.IgnoreCollision(objCreatedBullet.collider, collider);
    IEnumerator MyWaitFunction (float delay) {
        float timer = Time.time + delay;
        while (Time.time < timer) {
            yield return;

I’ve included comments of different things I’ve tried.[/code]

What code is calling the Fire function and the MyWaitFunction?