RaptorAI - Powerful AI Scripting Motor for Programmers (states, advanced waypoint systems, senses++)

I will see what I can do :wink:

Can you add ā€œscentā€ as well. This great for situations such as hunting. My characters (wolves, werewolf, etc.) will use scent as a part of their means of tracking the player.

That sounds interesting. By scent, do you mean that the wolves should be able to track down the last movement of the player / places the player has been?

Yes and whether the prey is nearby. But the idea of a wolf, werewolf, etc. tracking down someone based on following their scent (where theyā€™ve been) would add an extra layer of strategy where effort would need to be made to cover your tracks (ex. walk through water), if you find mint plants, rub it on you, etc. I was going to add stats to my player such as body odor and fear level (dice will be rolled at the beginning of the game for stats.) When something frightens you (spider, rat, ghost, etc.) your fear raises and so does your scent. Perhaps an invisible marker could be left in places with its radius and length of existence based on the current odor and odor strength.

Iā€™ll add it to my to-do list. Shouldnā€™t be too hard to implement.

Little update for you:

AIScentSense and AIScentObject will be added in the new version. Here is a little demonstration of it:

All the variables are possible to edit at runtime

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Thatā€™s awesome!

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I would just like to inform you that the official website is down due to expired domain. Iā€™m currently working on a replacement. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello again. The new website is now up and running and available at https://raptorai.wordpress.com/
The RaptorAI 2 development progress will be posted there in the future.

I am looking forward to this update. Canā€™t wait. :smile:

BTW, is it planned for this to support flying and underwater creatures? Maybe not v2.0 right away but eventually?

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Flying and underwater creatures is supported by the engine as long as you have an AI navigator that can handle that (all senses, objects and other parts of the engine works without extra configuration). Right now there are two navigators that is guaranteed to be in the upcoming update; the navmesh navigator (for unityā€™s built-in system) and the Astar navigator (A* Pathfinding Pro integration).

Although both pathfinding systems are designed for ground units it is possible to use them for flying / underwater units (as long as you donā€™t need very complex pathfinding).
An idea from the top of my head is to use the ground navmesh and get the world y value of the navmesh and then add like 50 to it (that way it would always be 50 units over the ground). You would have to make the visible object a child of the AI and adjust that childs height and not the actual AI itself as the AI will always stick to the ground. If you want it to stay at a constant y value (never change altitude), letā€™s say y = 200, you could do the exact same things, except instead of adding 50 you add (200 - world y of navmesh). That way the flying unit would always be at y = 200. Of course you would have to check that the height of the ground itself is not over 200 or the AI would try to fly under the groundā€¦ You could apply this to underwater units as well.

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s possible to make a fully featured navigators dedicated to flying and underwater units because this can get very complex, but Iā€™ll keep it in mind. I might be able to create a very simple navigator for them.

You might find these posts useful:


Iā€™m glad youā€™re looking forward to it :slight_smile:

How are things going? Any progress?

I would say that things are going good and there has been some progress. I am currently working on finishing behaviour trees which might take some time, but so far it looks promising. When I am done with behaviour trees Iā€™m going to add integrated mecanim / animation support.
Hereā€™s a couple of images:

The new AI Controller layout

Behaviour tree configuration window

You can check the current development over at http://flamingraptor.com/development (the website is also WIP)

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Thanks for replying. Iā€™ll keep an eye on your blog.

Hi, just thought I should pass this on. Every time I click on http://raptorgames.tk in the RaptorAI product description at the Unity store Avast antivirus blocks a page from loading with the message ā€œWeā€™ve safely aborted connection on www.freenom.link because it was infected with URL:Malā€. Hopefully itā€™s not a problem with my pc in which case if it is just disregard my message.

Anyway, on a more positive note, RaptorAI looks pretty good. Seems like it might be what Iā€™m looking for. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t see your post before now.
The website is no longer at raptorgames.tk and have been moved to http://www.flamingraptor.com or http://www.fraptor.com (redirect). The warning is because of ads on the no longer used domain. It seems that I forgot to update the link in the asset description. Sorry about that, I thought I had updated it everywhere :slight_smile:
Iā€™m glad that you are interested in my asset. Just for your information, there is a v2.0 coming up very soon which has new and improved features. You can check out development status on the website. Remember to ask me if you have any questions.

Hey everyone! RaptorAI Multi-Purpose AI (RaptorAI 2) has been submitted to the asset store for review and will be available shortly. RaptorAI 1 has been deprecated from the store and will no longer be available for new customers. You can still contact me regarding problems if you intend to continue using the old package.

All RaptorAI Multi-Purpose AI (RAMPA) requests will be handled through the new thread located here: RaptorAI Multi-Purpose AI Engine - States, Behaviour trees, Senses, Navigators, Waypoint Systems +++
Check out this thread for more information.

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