How do you guys implement “Rate me” functionality in Unity game for Tizen store?
I am doing this:
register game on Tizne store to get Content ID XXX
I use Application.OpenURL(“tizenstore://ProductDetail/XXX”); in button handler to open Tizen store with details of my game.
Until the first successful review,until the game is not visible on the store, that URL will open “Service not available” page. When game becomes available on the store it will show Tizen store page with details of my game. So far many of my games have successfully pass validation with this URL in first build.
But my latest game was turned down for this. For showing “Service not available” page when user click on “Rate me” button.
How do you guys solve this issue?
It is really lame to make one release without “Rate me” and then do whole process of review for just simple change of adding “Rate me” in game.
@skaljac When I do something like that, I explain them in detail that button will work only when the app is live on the store, on the field where you submit your binary. Before that they keep rejected my app but after that, they accept every time.
@sukwon-suh no it is not. It is in a process of review but without “Rate me” button. When app pass certification I will re register with “Rate me” button.
For those coming here by search. In the past you could use the numeric ID in the url. Now this will not work anymore. You should use the packages id instead (something like tizenstore://ProductDetail/com.yourdomain.newgame).