Rate of RPCs sent

I realise that State Syncs are only sent one way, from the owner outwards, so if I’m making an authoritative server, the server must control all the NetworkViews. This necessarily leaves the clients having to send input via RPCs (or am I wrong here?)

So…how fast can I feasibly send RPCs to a server? Can I actually send an RPC every Update call? Can a server handle it if 16 players are doing this at the same time…?

I’ve been scouring the internet looking for an answer but nothing really comes close.

You are on the right track, but not quite there yet.

RPC’s can be sent every Update, but just plain shouldn’t, because Update is framerate dependant, meaning that if someone has a faster graphics card, they will send more information over the network. At a certain point it would be equivalent to D-Dosing the server with thousands of packets.
What you should do, is call the RPC’s about 15 times per second.

Another thing is your understanding of Authoritative servers. Instead of you just sending the data and wait for a response, then applying it, You also have to calculate the result of your input and apply it more accurately while the message is being sent and the server replies. Once it has been, you then compare your result over the servers and act accordingly. This means that you won’t have any input “lag”, because of your actual network lag. This means, that both the server and the client control the player, but the server with authority, overwriting the client, when necessary.

Hope this clears things up,