Raw Image Goes Black if Window is Resized Beyond 8100 Px Wide

Hello there!
I’m struggling with an interesting issue regarding importing and displaying textures/images on UI at runtime.
I am able to import images from the user’s disk at runtime no problem and display them on a Raw Image.
This Raw Image is set to stretch to fill the window’s size.

If the Raw Image is stretched beyond 8192px (roughly) on either dimension, the Raw Image display goes
black. It immediately becomes visible again when the window is made smaller than that.
Notably, the imported textures themselves are much smaller than that, usually 1080p or so.

I know there is a hard limit of 16k (roughly) textures being imported, and we’re accounting for that. Is there a smaller limit for UI elements?

Our app is meant to be displayed on (very) large format displays for installations, where 8k+pixels is a common size, so this is problematic.

Notably, textures that are not imported at runtime (i.e. included/bundled/compiled with the app) do not have this problem. It’s just the textures imported at ruintime.

Is there anything we can do to make it compatible?

Thank you!