Raw Image render texture blocks mouse events?

in my game’s rendering i have a camera, which renders to a render texture for final ouput. In the scene there is a Canvas and a child object that is a Raw_Image. The camera renders to the texture, the texture is piped into the raw image. it all works, super well. i can do all the flexible compositing i need. HOWEVER, i cannot receive mouse events (OnMouseOver, OnMouseEnter, etc)

if i disable the camera from rendering to the render texture (and just have it displayed as MainCamera), then all the mouse events work! if i create another camera and disable the gui stuff, mouse events work. Here is a video


Notice how at first I receive no mouse events. The image your looking at is the UGUI system rendering a raw image of the render texture via the games camera. Then i stop the camera from rendering to that texture, then disable the GUI setup, then mouse events begin to work again (OnMouseOver, OnMouseExit)

I tried setting all UGUI stuff to the “IgnoreRaycast” layer.

is there a preferred way of just displaying a render texture fullscreen (with pixel precision) that bipasses the UGUI system? Is there a way to not have the UGUI system stop my mouse events? Or is this some issue with cameras that render to a render texture cannot cast mouse events?

Add a canvas group to the game object containing the raw image. In there you can disable the raycasts.

alas, this doesn’t solve the issue. Whats interesting is i can actually do my own raycasts just fine… somehow the built in mouse events dont cut it. well… i suppose the only option is to make my own events library, which… isn’t so bad.