Ray Perception Sensor Component 3D distance

Hello, does the ray perception 3d component get the distance to the object it impacted?.
I need my agents to get the distance to that object. Is there any way to do that?
Thanks in advance

After several tries to use obsolete ray perception 3d and new ray perception sensor 3d as observations for my agent I created my own logic based on RayCast and happy with that. Imho, using RayCast logic gives better control to a programmer over the training.
But it does not mean that ray perception components are bad, rather I did not find a way how to use them efficiently.

RayCasts return a distance normalized between 0 to 1 where 1 corresponds to the max length of the raycast. To get to the distance to an object, you can use a vector observation in the agent script and calculate it manually using the transforms of the two objects.