I wanted to fix the “bouncing” down slopes issue by pointing a ray from my character down so that when it hits the ground it says that im grounded.
But its not working…
I’m very new to coding, started a couple of days ago so i know this might be incredibly messy, so sorry about that!
what happens is that when the ray hits the ground it makes onGround = ture but when it leaves id doesnt uncheck it.
if anyone knows if this is possible to fix id be so thankful!
here’s the raycast:
RaycastHit hit;
Ray checkGround = new Ray (transform.position, Vector3.down);
Debug.DrawRay (transform.position, Vector3.down * rayLength);
if(Physics.Raycast(checkGround, out hit, rayLength))
if(hit.collider.tag == "enviroment")
onGround = true;
onGround = cc.isGrounded;
And here’s the rest of the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FPS_Controler : MonoBehaviour {
public float movementSpeed = 10.0f;
public float mouseSensitivity = 5.0f;
public float jumpSpeed = 10.0f;
public float gaY = 9.81f;
public float maxGay = -2.0f;
float verticalRotation = 0;
public float Yrange = 90.0f;
public float dieY = -150.0f;
public int spawnNum = 0;
public bool onGround = false;
public float rayLength = 4.0f;
float verticalVelocity = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Cursor.visible = false;
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
CharacterController cc = GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
RaycastHit hit;
Ray checkGround = new Ray (transform.position, Vector3.down);
Debug.DrawRay (transform.position, Vector3.down * rayLength);
if(Physics.Raycast(checkGround, out hit, rayLength))
if(hit.collider.tag == "enviroment")
onGround = true;
onGround = cc.isGrounded;
// Rotation
float rotX = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X") * mouseSensitivity;
transform.Rotate ( 0, rotX, 0 );
verticalRotation -= Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y") * mouseSensitivity;
verticalRotation = Mathf.Clamp (verticalRotation, -Yrange, Yrange);
Camera.main.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler (verticalRotation, 0, 0);
// Movement
float forwardSpeed = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * movementSpeed;
float sideSpeed = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * movementSpeed;
if (!onGround) {
verticalVelocity += gaY * Time.deltaTime;
if (verticalVelocity < maxGay){ verticalVelocity = maxGay;}
if (onGround) {
verticalVelocity = 0;
if( onGround && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") ) {
verticalVelocity = jumpSpeed;
Vector3 speed = new Vector3 ( sideSpeed, verticalVelocity, forwardSpeed );
speed = transform.rotation * speed;
cc.Move( speed * Time.deltaTime );
float spawnY = 40.0f;
float spawnX = 0.3f;
Vector3 spawn = new Vector3 (spawnX, spawnY, 0);
if(cc.transform.position.y < dieY) {
cc.transform.position = spawn;
spawnNum += 1;
There might be an issue because it’s checking if onGround is false before checking the conditions to set it false, which means it could break out of the loop without setting it back to false, making it unreachable to set it false again after its true… or I could be wrong but check that spot out for sure.
Edit: you should probably copy the part that sets it to cc.isGrounded out after the if that checks !onGround
I think you need to tweak the value of rayLength variable. If it is too big, the ray would extend long enough to hit the ground at any point in time, even when in air.
I was thinking that might be the problem too but then I didn’t see anywhere else onGround could be set false. I’m not sure though…
edit: Oh another thing that could be wrong, is that the ray might always aim for the location (0, -1, 0) - at least I’ve had some similar problem before, and you might try doing new Vector3 (transform.position.x, transform.position.y - 1, transform.position.z) instead of Vector3.down… just a thought though, good luck!
I tried what you said MD but that just didnt check grounded at all-
What is happening is that i fall down and the ray checks the ground for me, but it doesnt un check it when i jump off the ground again. so i fall down and then when i jump i stay in the air at the peak of the jump and every time i jump i just go up a step.
You are never setting back your “onground” bool to false. So you stay at true after the first “succesful” raycast and it never change, allowing you to jump forever.
oh my god that WOOOOOORKS!! kinda!! so its checking and unchecking collision now BUT im landing on ALL the hitboxes. Above were the player is suppose to land i have a sound sphere collider which the player now… lands on… walking on sound is cool but i dont thenk that will work for this game
I tagged the object i want the ray to respond to with Enviroment and then i put if (hit.collider.tag == “Enviroment”)
in there, but that makes it not tag at all
Ray checkGround= new Ray(transform.position, -transform.up);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(checkGround, out hit, rayLength))
if (hit.collider.tag == "Enviroment") {
Debug.Log(hit.collider.name + "Enviroment");
onGround = true;
Debug.Log ("i'm grounded");
onGround = false;
Debug.Log ("not grounded");
Either you tag all your gameobject, or you can also delete the unused collider. Why put a collider on a sound source ? If you are not using it, remove the useless component, and get a cleaner project
Oh no i meant trigger boxes! srry, im landing on the trigger boxes.
I did remove the sound collider, that was pretty useless. But i have one more box that is set as a trigger that im landing on