Hi i was wondering if some one could help me. I would like to raycast downwards in the direction of the player. Currently i am raycasting directly down and its cause some issues.
I’m not really good with 3d space yet and was wondering what i need to do to raycast down in the direction my player is facing.
I currently have
Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, hit, rayDistance))
should be as easy as -transform.up
Maybe i was going about it the wrong way i was trying to fix a small problem i was having when i reached the top of an incline the character would appear to be on air for the next step or so.
I figured this was because i was raycasting directly down and not at the angle of my player, however by using -transform.up i get a flicker when i reach the end of an incline. Any ideas what i should do to fix this?
Thanks so much for your help!
Sorry to bump but any help would be great!