I have a mesh that I am using as terrain, it has a mesh collider.
Other rigid bodies do collide and interact with this mesh collider.
When I attach a Raycast Collider to a rigid body , the Raycast Collider just ignores the terrain’s mesh collider. Physics Material’s are set to “Bouncy”.
The -Y axis of the collider is correct. I have tried different ray lengths. In fact, if I just create a box primitive and position it below the rigidbody, the Raycollider works, and the rigid body “Hovers” above the box collider, so the issue seems to be only with Mesh Colliders.
I know that collision with a planar type mesh can be spotty, especially with fast moving objects so I even took my collision mesh and extruded it, so that it had volume, still no go with the Ray Collider.
Like other “primitive” colliders, a Wheel Collider also works properly with my terrain mesh.
I am trying to replace a Wheel Collider based system with Raycast Colliders in hopes of decreasing CPU load.
Are there some undocumented stipulations in regards to using a mesh collider with Raycast Colliders?
Any insight is appreciated,