Raycast damage script

I am doing an IPhone shooter however i don’t want to have a shoot button is there any way or thechnique (script) you know to shoot a raycast continuously out of the players gun so that when the ray makes contact with a box around the enemy it starts shooting and the bullets in the magazine go down?

Doing this in Update may cause excessive impact in the performance, but maybe a more spaced raycasting could solve the problem - something like this (weapon script):

var bullets: int = 100; // ammo count
var shotSound: AudioClip; // drag the shot sound here
var shotInterval: float = 0.25; // interval between shots
var shotRange: float = 100; // range of the shot
var shootEnabled: boolean = true; // allows disabling the shots

function Start(){
  var trf = transform; // a little optimization
  while (true){ // loop forever
    if (shootEnabled && bullets > 0){ // if there are bullets and shooting enabled...
      var hit: RaycastHit; // do a raycast
      if (Physics.Raycast(trf.position, trf.forward, hit, shotRange)){
        // if the enemy trigger childed to the enemy is hit...
        if (hit.transform.gameObject.CompareTag("EnemyTrigger")){
          audio.PlayOneShot(shotSound); // play the shot sound...
          hit.transform.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage", 5); // apply damage...
          bullets--; // and count the shot
    yield WaitForSeconds(shotInterval); // always wait shotInterval

You must have a function ApplyDamage(damage: float) in the enemy script, and the “box” you’ve mentioned must be a trigger volume childed to the enemy.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class AutoShoot : MonoBehaviour
 public float fireRate; // How quick to shoot
 public float damage; // Damage to be applied
 public float shootDistance; // How far to check for a hit

 private bool canShoot;

 void FixedUpdate ()
 RaycastHit info;
 if(Physics.Raycast(new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward), out info, shootDistance))
 // Do damage stuff here

 if(fireRate > 0)
 canShoot = false;
 Invoke("ShootDelay", fireRate); // Delay shooting

 private void ShootDelay() 
 canShoot = true; 

Here you go, i think this should work, i havent tested it though :slight_smile: