Raycast does not detect Objects

Hello unity community.

to cut to the chase what I am doing is I am trying to make a parkour system and what it needs to do is detect if a wall it “X” amount away from the player. I have a raycast to check if the player is grounded and that works perfectly. That is why I think I dont know what is wrong… So the problem that is happening is that I have a raycast shooting to the right of the player and this raycast does not detect gameobjects. Please any help is welcomed.

here is my parkour script

	public GameObject RaycastShooter;
	public float ParkourIfLessThan = 1f;
	public float WallRunSpeed = 9.75f;

	public float WallDistance = 1f;

	private bool CanWallRun;
	private bool IsWallRunning;

	private Vector3 RightRay = new Vector3 (1,0,0);

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
		//All the different Raycast hit
		RaycastHit RightHit;
		RaycastHit LeftHit;
		if(Physics.Raycast(RaycastShooter.transform.position, RightRay.normalized, out RightHit, WallDistance))
			float DistanceToWall = RightHit.distance;
			if(DistanceToWall <=  ParkourIfLessThan)
				print("can wall run");
			if(DistanceToWall >  ParkourIfLessThan)
				print("Can't wall run");
			Debug.DrawLine(RaycastShooter.transform.position, RightHit.point);


Note that RightRay is the world right. For most 3D games, you want to raycast from the right of the object. Something like:

   if(Physics.Raycast(RaycastShooter.transform.position, RaycastShooter.transform.right, out RightHit, WallDistance))

Since I don’t know your game mechanic, I’m not sure this is your problem. Also you might want to do a Debug.DrawRay() with exactly the same parameters as your Raycast() so you can visualize any Raycast().

Check the distance of the raycast. i.e. 100 meters may only capture half the objects, prblem i had, in physics.raycast() function