I’ve got an approximation search and would like to ad from the BezierCurve Point the Point on the Ground. => but for correct Result the Point on the Ground must be calculated every Time on the approximation search (due to correct distances)
Approximation Search Code:
float step = 0.1f;
float t = step;
float lastT = new float();
float distance = 5;
/* Bezier.GetPoint(Vector3_A,Vector3_B,Vector3_C,Vector3_D,t) is a Vector3 Equation for a Point on the Bezier Curve */
while (t >= 0 && t <= 1f)
while (t < 1f && Vector3.Distance(Bezier.GetPoint(Vector3_A,Vector3_B,Vector3_C,Vector3_D,t), last_spawn) < distance){
t += step;}
step /= 100;
while (t > lastT && Vector3.Distance(Bezier.GetPoint(Vector3_A,Vector3_B,Vector3_C,Vector3_D,t), last_spawn) > distance){
t -= step;}
step /= 100;
if (t > 1f || t < lastT){
if(step < 0.000001f){
lastT = t;
step = 0.1f;
(Pseudo Code)
Now because the BezierLine is never really aligned with the Surface (Terrain) I need to get the Point on the Ground. If I now Add following Vector3.RaycastDown_Position();
to the Bezier.GetPoint(a,b,c,d,t);
Method => Bezier.GetPoint(a,b,c,d,t).RaycastDown_Position();
the Editor will freeze and get’s Laggy!
Raycast Down Code
public static Vector3 RaycastDown_Position(this Vector3 t){
RaycastHit hit;
if(Physics.Raycast(t + (Vector3.up * 20),Vector3.down,out hit,Mathf.Infinity)){
t.y = hit.point.y;
return t;
What would be a better Approach to avoid Laggy Editor, or even Freezes?
if I add the RaycastDown Method after the approximation search, it’l cause inaccurate Result at the distance between the Calculated Points!
thanks @Bunny83 for any suggestion =)