Raycast from mouse position in editor scene view?

Hello, what i’m trying to do is have an editor script, that will have the usual EditorWindow, and be able to click in the scene view and return the position of a raycast hit in world space. I need it for instantiating etc…

I have tried using GUIPointToWorldRay, sending a ray from mousePosition in OnSceneGUI and a couple other ways, but i don’t know what i’m doing.

What am i doing wrong, and how can i fix it?


My code:

class rayEditorTest extends EditorWindow{
	@MenuItem ("Window/Editor Test")

	static function ShowWindow (){
		EditorWindow.GetWindow(rayEditorTest, false, "Editor Test");

	function OnSceneGUI (){
		var r : Ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
		var hit : RaycastHit;

		if(Physics.Raycast(r, hit, 1000)){

hi, maybe you should use Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay , i don’t know if this’ll help you, it’s drawing a ray from the screen to the mouse position.

var ray : Ray;
ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);