Raycast help?

I am trying to create a procedural and randomly generated city. It works nearly perfectly, but it tends to overlap a LOT. I am trying to use a raycast to determine if there is enough space for a road/building to spawn before it spawns anything, but it is not working. What am I doing wrongly?


#pragma strict
public var Crossroad: GameObject;
public var Road: GameObject;
public var HorizontalRoad: GameObject;
public var HorizontalRoadDown: GameObject;
public var DisabledRoad: GameObject;
public var Lamp: GameObject;
var CityLimitX1 = 500;
var CityLimitZ1 = 500;
var CityLimitX2 = -500;
var CityLimitZ2 = -500;
var i = 0;
var Distance : float;
static var StartCol: boolean = true;

//var Number = Random.Range(1, 16);
//static var CoordX = 


function Start () {
//var Start = true;

var CurrentXPos = transform.position.x;
var CurrentZPos = transform.position.z;
var CrossroadNX = transform.position.x + 90;
var TurnNX = transform.position.x + 60;
var RoadNX = transform.position.x + 30;
var Cross3wayNX = transform.position.x + 25;
var CrossroadNZ1 = transform.position.z + 30;
var TurnNZ = transform.position.z + 60;
var RoadNZ = transform.position.z + 20;
var Cross3wayNZ = transform.position.z + 30;
var RandomNum = Random.Range(1, 5);;

//var hit : RaycastHit;
//var SphereVar = new Vector3(CurrentXPos, 0, CurrentZPos);
//if (Physics.SphereCast(SphereVar, 30, transform.forward, hit, 30)) {
var hit : RaycastHit;
//var fwd: Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
	//if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, fwd, 1000)) {
	if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), hit)) {
		Debug.Log("There is something in front of the object!");
		Distance = hit.distance; 
	//for (var i: int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	if (RandomNum == 1) {
		if (CrossroadNX < CityLimitX1) {
			if (CrossroadNZ1 < CityLimitZ1) {
				if (CrossroadNX > CityLimitX2) {
					if (CrossroadNZ1 > CityLimitZ2) {
					if (Distance > 90) {
					Debug.Log("Fired Crossroad");
					Instantiate(Crossroad, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 60, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					Instantiate(DisabledRoad, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					Instantiate(HorizontalRoad, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 60, 0, CurrentZPos + 30),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 0, 0)));
					Instantiate(HorizontalRoadDown, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 60, 0, CurrentZPos - 30),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 0, 0)));
					Instantiate(Road, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 90, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					GetComponent(SecondCityGen).enabled = false;
					Debug.Log("Failed to exit script");
if (RandomNum == 2) {
		if (RoadNX < CityLimitX1) {
			if (RoadNZ < CityLimitZ1) {
				if (RoadNX > CityLimitX2) {
					if (RoadNZ > CityLimitZ2) {
					if (Distance > 30) {
					Debug.Log("Fired Road1");
					Instantiate(Road, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					GetComponent(SecondCityGen).enabled = false;
					Debug.Log("Failed to exit script");
if (RandomNum == 3) {
		if (RoadNX < CityLimitX1) {
			if (RoadNZ < CityLimitZ1) {
				if (RoadNX > CityLimitX2) {
					if (RoadNZ > CityLimitZ2) {
					if (Distance > 30) {
					Debug.Log("Fired RoadLamp");
					Instantiate(Road, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					Instantiate(Lamp, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos + 6),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(0, 180, 0)));
					Instantiate(Lamp, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos - 6),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
					GetComponent(SecondCityGen).enabled = false;
					Debug.Log("Failed to exit script");
if (RandomNum == 4) {
		if (RoadNX < CityLimitX1) {
			if (RoadNZ < CityLimitZ1) {
				if (RoadNX > CityLimitX2) {
					if (RoadNZ > CityLimitZ2) {
					if (Distance > 30) {
					Debug.Log("Fired Road3");
					Instantiate(Road, new Vector3(CurrentXPos + 30, 0, CurrentZPos),  Quaternion.Euler(Vector3(-90, 90, 0)));
					//start = false;

					GetComponent(SecondCityGen).enabled = false;
					Debug.Log("Failed to exit script");


function Update () {
if (StartCol == false) {
var TempCol : MeshCollider;
TempCol = GetComponent.<MeshCollider>();
TempCol.isTrigger = false;

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
for (var T: int = 0; T < 50; T++) {
if (StartCol == true) {

Try using Physics.OverlapSphere to see if the place where you are placing object is empty instead of using raycast.