Raycast hit is returning a collision that intersects with its origin

In my project, I’m writing a function that performs a raycast from the camera’s position in the direction of the camera’s forward angle. The camera’s transform is a child of the Player, which has a CharacterController. No CapsuleCollider or RigidBody. The Camera has a local position of (0,1.75,0) and the CharacterController has a height of 2, and radius of 0.5

When remaining on the ground and shooting, the raycast performs as expected and ignores the Player’s CharacterController. However, when I start jumping it will return a hit on the character controller. I tried debugging this myself and drawing a red debug line from the ray’s origin to the hit position. As we can see in the image below, the line is staying well within the confines of the CharacterController

I was thinking perhaps this is an issue with Order of Execution and maybe the physics were being updated before the scene hierarchy was updated. So I ran a debugger and put a breakpoint where it detects a CharacterController.

Player.transform.position.y: 0.69
Camera.transform.position.y: 2.44

This is the exact same 1.75 difference I should expect.
I’m completely confused as to why this is happening. Here’s the code behind it, sans Debugging methods:

for (int i = 0; i < bulletsPerFire * _shots; i++) {
    Vector3 angle = GetSpreadAngle(fwd);
    int mask = 1 | (1 << 7) | (1 << 3);
    RaycastHit hit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(camera.transform.position, camera.transform.forward, out hit, distance, 1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) {
        IDamageable damageableObject = hit.transform.GetComponent<IDamageable>();
        damageableObject?.TakeDamage(damageInfo, hit.point);

        var mat = hit.GetMaterial();
        if (mat != null) {
            GameManager.Effects.CreateBulletDecal(mat, hit);
            GameManager.Effects.CreateImpactParticleEffects(mat, hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal));

Any ideas?

I suggest create a layer ‘Player’ and on raycast just ignore it, so anything player related is ignored on lower level instead of managing all the cases, plus even if it works on 120 fps might still hit himself on 20 fps. Layer will be helpful later on too. Just dont forget to assign player gameObject ‘Player’ layer.

Turns out this was caused by my CharacterController.Move() code being in the Update() function of my Player Controller. After moving it to FixedUpdate() the issue no longer occurred. After further research it seems like Unity only updates colliders on Physics Updates, so any raycasts must be performed with this in mind.