Raycast hit section

Hi, I'm wondering how I would go about finding out what section of a collider I've hit?

For example if the raycast hit say, 0% to 10% into the collider on a single face. The code would execute differently than if the raycast was hitting in between the other 80% of the collider's face.

So basically a border(padding?) around the collider, in which the raycast can tell it is hitting on the edges of the collider rather than somewhere in the middle. Is that possible? If so, would it work for both box colliders and mesh colliders?

If anyone’s still interested in they question: the simple and sensible way to do this is:

very simply, add some empty object “place markers” near the corners, or whatever is relevant, of your object.

(obviously these “let measurement markers” should be children of the main object in question.)

with the raycast hit, very simply calculate how far it is from each of these “key measurement points”.

if it’s close to one - you know where it is.

very simply, you cam move the “key measurement points” around easily in the unity editor - it’s great.