Hello guys,
I’m writing part of the player’s ability to do combat, melee. But I don’t think the Raycast hits, nor does the AttackSequence enter the Hit function.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
class PlayerAttack : MonoBehaviour
private float lastAttack;
public float attackCooldown = 1.5f;
private PlayerController controller;
public LayerMask hitLayers = -1;
public void Awake()
controller = GetComponent<PlayerController>();
public void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (Time.time > lastAttack + attackCooldown)
lastAttack = Time.time;
private IEnumerator AttackSequence()
float animationDone = Time.time + animation["attack"].length;
//controller.isControllable = false;
float next = Time.time + 0.25f;
while (Time.time < next) yield return null;
while (Time.time < animationDone) yield return null;
//controller.isControllable = true;
private void Hit()
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position + Vector3.up, transform.forward, out hit, 3, hitLayers.value))
Hitable target = hit.collider.GetComponent<Hitable>();
if (target)
Debug.Log("Player has attacked target.");
public class Hitable : MonoBehaviour
float hitpoints = 100;
public void Hit(float damage)
hitpoints -= damage;
if (hitpoints <= 0)
Debug.Log("Enemy dead.");
Thanks in advance,