Raycast object flies towards mouse on screen, i need it on floor

I am trying to raycast a “cursor” object on to the terrain below from the camera using the mouse’s position, but for some reason the object I am raycasting is flying towards the mouse and not staying on the ground.

Here is my code:

public Camera MainCam;

void Update () {
	RaycastHit hit;	
	Ray ray = MainCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
	if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
		transform.position = hit.point;

UPDATE: FIXED, just needed to add a layermask

If the “hit.point” is closer to the camera than “transform.position” then it moves the object closer to the camera with every “Update” if the object is successfully raycasted because of “transform.position = hit.point”.