RayCast to send message to the object it hits?

I have a zombie and its got simple AI on it and I have this gun script that should send a message to it. But it keeps saying “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.
anyway here are the scripts.


var hit : RaycastHit;
var AmoInClip = 0;
var Clips = 2;
var AmoInClips = 30;
var AmoLeft = 0;
var BulletDammage = 100;
var Bullet : Transform;
var Spawn : GameObject;

function Update()
	var hit : RaycastHit;
	if(AmoInClip <= 0)
	AmoLeft = AmoInClips * Clips + AmoInClip;

function Fire()
	hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards ("ApplyDammage", BulletDammage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

function Reload()
	yield WaitForSeconds(2);
	AmoInClip = 0;
	Clips -= 1;
	AmoInClip = AmoInClips;

function OnGUI()
	GUI.Label (Rect (0,80,80,20), AmoLeft.ToString(), "box");


var Distance;
var Target : Transform;
var lookAtDistance = 25.0;
var chaseRange = 15.0;
var attackRange = 1.5;
var moveSpeed = 5.0;
var Damping = 6.0;
var attackRepeatTime = 1;
var trigger : boolean = false;
var TheDammage = 40;

var DamageToMe = 0;

private var attackTime : float;

var controller : CharacterController;
var gravity : float = 20.0;
private var MoveDirection : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;

function Start ()
	DamageToMe += Random.Range(1,600);
	moveSpeed = Random.Range(2,5);
	Target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform;
	attackTime = Time.time;

function Update ()
	Distance = Vector3.Distance(Target.position, transform.position);
	if (Distance < lookAtDistance)
	if (Distance < attackRange)
	else if (Distance < chaseRange)
		chase ();

function lookAt ()
	var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Target.position - transform.position);
	//transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * Damping);
	 var dir = Target.position - transform.position;
     dir.y = 0; // kill height differences
     transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir), moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);


function chase ()
	if(trigger == true)
		transform.localPosition.y += 0.05;
	moveDirection = transform.forward;
	moveDirection *= moveSpeed;
	moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
	controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

function attack ()
	if (Time.time > attackTime)
		attackTime = Time.time + attackRepeatTime;

function ApplyDammage ()
	chaseRange += 30;
	moveSpeed += 2;
	lookAtDistance += 40;

function OnTriggerEnter()
	trigger = true;
	yield WaitForSeconds(1);
	trigger = false;

function Hurt()
	DamageToMe += 100;
	if(DamageToMe <= 0)

The function Fire is wrong: you should do a Raycast in order to fill the RaycastHit structure - something like this:

function Fire()
  // do a raycast in the gun forward direction:
  if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, hit){
    // if something is hit, check whether it's tagged "zombie":
    { // if so, apply damage to it
      hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards ("ApplyDammage", BulletDammage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

But be aware that the zombie’s ApplyDammage function isn’t applying any damage at all - apparently, the damage is applied by the Hurt function; either use SendMessage(“Hurt”,…) or change the ApplyDamage code to call Hurt.