Raycast2D doesn't work correctly on rotated object

So I have a simple script, it casts a ray from a point and upwards. I have a Debug.DrawRay that draws a ray from the start point and up, unless the ray hits something, in which case it will stop where the ray hit.

However, when the object (with a 2D capsule collider) that is obstructing the 2D raycast is rotated to a certain angle, the hit is not detected anywhere but the object’s ends.

In case you don’t understand what I mean, here is a demonstration

Here is my script:

	LineRenderer lr;
	Vector2 startPoint;
	Vector2 endPoint;

	void Awake () 
		lr = GetComponent<LineRenderer> ();
		startPoint = lr.GetPosition (0);
		endPoint = lr.GetPosition (1);

	void Update () 
		RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast (startPoint, endPoint - startPoint);
		if (hit)
			Debug.DrawRay (startPoint, hit.point - startPoint, Color.white);
			Debug.DrawRay (startPoint, endPoint - startPoint, Color.white);

The start and end points are from a line renderer that I will use to actually show the ray in the game, and at the moment I am using it to set the start point and direction of the ray with two points.

I’m having the exact same issue but with Physics2D.Linecast!

I’m trying to learn how to use line casting between the enemies and the player to see if they are within shooting range.

I couldn’t understand why the line was only able to hit the player when the player was in certain angles around the enemy.

Now I can see that it has to do with the rotation of the player - the rotation of the object being hit - just like in your example!
