RaycastHit unassigned...

I’m attempting to use RayCastHit (see below) within Physics.Raycast, but Unity keeps giving me the “unassigned local variable” on hit. I was under the impression that the RaycastHit Type would be defined when called if valid, or null otherwise. Is my syntax incorrect? Any ideas on what I’m missing?

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
            mouseButton1DownPoint = Input.mousePosition;
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition); 

            if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, raycastLength, terrainLayerMask) )
                print("Mouse Down Hit Terrain " + hit.point);
                mouseButton1DownTerrainHitPoint = hit.point;
                leftRectStart = hit.point;
                mouseLeftDrag = true;

It should be noted that I’m porting code from another person’s Jscript.

It seems your converting to C#, so:

C# enforces a definite assignment policy. This means, among other things, local variables must be assigned a value before they can be read.

The compiler thinks your trying to read from ‘hit’, that’s why it’s giving you the error. Use the parameter modifier ‘out’ before ‘hit’:

if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, raycastLength, terrainLayerMask) )

So the compiler knows the variables ‘hit’ is going to be written-to not read- from.

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Ah- thank you!.. I’ve only been working in C# for about 6 months now. I hadn’t come across a need for that yet.

Much appreciated!