Raycasting infront of character, on the ground?

Hi, what I’m trying to do is a skill / spell. You hold down a button and a raycasted texture on the ground infront of you will appear, going further and further away from you until you let go, where your character will jump up in the air and land on that raycast.

For now, all I would want to achieve is the raycast, and getting the position the raycast is pointing at. Does anyone have any experience in anything like this, or any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Hello again Excalibera :slight_smile:

To do this, I suggest that you use a variable, say “distance” that starts from 2 (for example). When you press AND HOLD the jump key, the “distance” will increase and every frame a ray is drawn downwards from a position that is “distance” away from the player. The point where the ray hits the ground will be the point where you have to instantiate the texture (remember to delete the one from the previous frame).

Then, when you release the jump button, the player will jump to that point.