So they are using the layermask correctly to see the enemies , but when 1 wants to attack 4 - then 1 thinks that there is no Line of sight becouse the Raycast is intercepted by 3.
public virtual bool CheckLOS(Unit ThisUnit , Unit Enemy)
RaycastHit hit;
Vector3 dir = Enemy.transform.position - ThisUnit.transform.position;
int layer = 0;
if (ThisUnit.Team == 21) { layer = 22; }
if (ThisUnit.Team == 22) { layer = 21; }
int layermask = 1 << layer;
int walllayer = 10;
int walllayermask = 1 << walllayer;
int finallayer = layermask | walllayermask;
if (Physics.Raycast(ThisUnit.transform.position, dir, out hit, 5f, finallayer))
return true;
return false;
Is there any way to check line of sight that ignores all colliders/layers besides the target.
The collider.raycast seems to be what i am looking for , but it seems that this causes the units to see through layer 10 (Walls) - and is always treated as being in line of sight.
Doing multiple raycasts is actually pretty common, and Unity is a beast: raycasts are computationally fairly cheap, at least in most physics setups.
For instance, one application is to tell what percent of a given target is obscured, such as for “cover and concealment” kinda games like XCOM.
You can accomplish this by raycasting to multiple points on the target: head, chest, arms, legs, etc. Or you could even just raycast to X points from top to bottom of the target, or even left / right in a box around the player.
If you can hit them with 100% of the raycasts then you know they are not in cover.
In my Jetpack Kurt Space Flight game I even do them stochastically (randomly) to detect small objects beneath your craft to warn you about uneven ground: every frame I raycast three different random rays for 1 meter below the ship, and if any one of them differs in length from the others by more than 0.25m then I consider it uneven ground and activate a beeping warning system. I can even detect tiny little posts like landing lights within a few moments of them coming underneath your ship.
That is a great thing to learn. I was handling raycasts like Getcomponents and distance calculations.
After i get this up and running i will have to run through my code again and see if i can improve/switch to the other raycast types.