RC Laser Warrior on Cartoon Network!

I’m proud to share that our Unity web game RC Laser Warrior was picked up by Cartoon Network and is now live on their site!


We released it last February on Shockwave.com with great success and we’re up to 79 original tracks in the game.

You might be aware Cartoon Network is also publishing their Unity based MMO FusionFall sometime soon too, so it’s quite exciting to have another quality company on board with Unity.


p.s. I’ll say right now that I unfortunately can’t share any specific information about our deals, in case someone was curious.

Congrats! I hope this does well for you. It’s great to see a decent install page, too!

Congratulations. Well deserved!


Congrats! It’s great to be able to play the game in full screen now, too :slight_smile:


Wow, very cool! Congratulations!!! And the game is so cool, too :wink:

wow nice going jonathan ; )

Grats! Good times :smile:

Hey Congrats ! The game is pretty fun to play with ,best of luck for what coming next.

Awesome! Congratulations! :slight_smile:

That’s awesome. Congratulations, good old Graveck!


Thanks for helping to pave the way!

great work guys… keep it up!

Just had to chime in with a congrats from my end as well, nice work guys!

Damn nice! Damn nice!

Big congrats from me too

Misto Joc :wink: