RC Laser Warrior Released!

We are proud to release RC Laser Warrior to the general public. :slight_smile: There are regular in-game updates, so if you like it make sure to check back on it.


It’d be nice if you dugg it if you like it:

Now, back to crunch work for me. :shock:


Congrats on the release! The glare from the game’s polish is amazing :smile:

God damn it… i cant stop :smile: This game simply rocks, fast paced, nice steering lots of fun and hell yeah one hell of an announcer. Nice Intro too. 5 of 5.

Keep going!

Back to game…


woohoo that’s fun! such a nice polish to everything, can’t wait to get my hands on that huge selection of cars. big congrats on the release - i was wondering who among us unity’rs was going to be the first to get a racing game on there ; )

awesome jonathan

: )


I like it. Awesome Jon …

very cool :slight_smile:

Awesome game! Nice work … I think it’s the most kick-ass intro I’ve seen in an online game!!

This is a very good game, kudos on the release! As Matthew said, that’s one serious spit shine wow! Nice voice btw

P.S. damn you shockwave for not letting us go fullscreen!


Who’s the guitar player? I’m impressed.

:smile: That’s awesome. Nice and fast paced. n_n

You guys did a wonderful job on this, I hope it does really well. Its really fun to play, even more so than the last time I saw it. I love watching cars fly around with rockets like crazy out of control insects emitting a nice smoke trail.

I can go on and on about all the things in it that are pulled off really well but I won’t, instead I will talk constructive crits as always :slight_smile:

Why does the old levels menu look different and not have trophies? I found this a bit weird. When I am tweaking performance attributes on the car, why can I drab all the sliders to the max? Shouldn’t they have forced mirror relationships? I never noticed the effects of tweaking any car performance things in the game. I think you could make it a bit more clear how unlocking things works. I want more stats handed to me at the end of every race, like unlocking status (Even if it says “You didn’t unlock anything” most of the time) and my warriorness percent.

Is warrior mode just Time.timeScale = 1.3? If so that is awesome and I salute you :smile:

Well done guys, congrats!

Very nice game. You’ve got the car handling just right!

Everything else aside it is most importantly a very fun game. Great work and I expect a lot of traffic on it.

Really awesome job! I love how you have the countdown to new cars and tracks as it adds to the replay value (it makes me want to come back to see what the new track is in 1 day).

I wasted a good hour and a half of coding time playing this.

Just inquiring, what does you tool-pipe look like?


My dad played it on my eMac with radeon 7500 and it had some possibly bad fallbacks and did about 10 fps. Have you tested it on that bad of cards?

It looks like the lightmaps are using the tiled texture coords instead of the second set, and without the lightmaps things are very poorly defined. Also, there is no vertex lighting. How many objects are in a typical level? Could it be draw calls that are killing it? Seems like fill rate and polys should be no problem at all.

Ok here is my 2 cents, very fun game, n2o is crazy fast :wink: Spit N polish galore. Just awesome, awesome, awesome.

Take care.


Yay! Congrats. The polish and the game overall went way up since TopDOG.

Very nice game! Well polished and plays really arcade like. Great job.

What I’m asking myself: Does it pay off to publish on Shockwave.com? Is there money coming in from publishing games there? Couldn’t resist to ask… :slight_smile: