RC1 - Android build crashing

Hi, is someone having this problem?

My project works with no errors or warning but since upgrading to the RC1, the android build crashes when loading my first scene. I have stripped everything from it, and when I remove the RectTransform component from my root Canvas it worked again.

So now I have either a build that launches but has no UI, or a build with UI that does not run in Android.

I have replicated it with an empty proyect with a single canvas an image. Testing it a bit more I found that setting the Stripping Level to anything different from “Disabled” makes the proyect crash.

1840867–118086–RC1_AndroidCrashTest.unitypackage (4.51 KB)

I have the same problem. Unity guys please check this post and my post.

I hava a same problem. It happens all of stripping level except disable.

My stripping level is disabled but android build was crashing. i change to iOS and mac platform and didn’ crash. I put back to android and isn’t crashing. I assume the switch platform set something

Found an issue for this that was already fixed, it seems this issue is back again.

I fixed it again for RC2

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I have same problem too. is this fixed in RC2? Hooooooray!!!

same issue on the RC1 for 2 of my devices that have Kitkat :

  • Oppo Find7 with colorOs2 Kitkat based.
  • Xperia Z2 tabet with last update (the last kitkat version was working fine)

Other devices work perfectly fine

I’ll try now on the RC2

let me know if it doesn’t work it should now that RC2 is out.

Just Build the game with the RC2 does not work.
I’m currently trying the solution of HarisKap before re-building the game, I’ll keep you posted

Ok, so after switching platform as suggested by HarisKap and then re-building the game,

it run on :

  • Galaxy S3 with Android 4.3
  • Wiko Cink slim with Android 4.1.1
  • Oppo Find5 with Android 4.4.4 (omniRom)

it crash on :

  • Xperia Z2 tabet with lastest update ( 4.4.4 )
  • Oppo Find7 colorOs2 ( 4.4.2 )

phil-Unity, do you want the logCat ?

please :slight_smile: a bug report with the logcat would be good as well.

done :slight_smile: