Re-purchase refunded non-consumable google play IAP.

Hi all…

I’m building an app for the Google Play Store only.

I’ve figured out how to imitate restore purchase by catching duplicate purchase errors - which is great, when I wipe all app data, my app still lets you enjoy a non-consumable by detecting a duplicate purchase.

I’ve moved on to trying to re-purchase a refunded non-consumable.

On refund, the product still shows as a duplicate purchase and gives the product back for free!!!

I’ve done some googling, and really it feels like I should just accept that users who get a refund continue to enjoy the product.

Any tips?

You should never receive duplicate purchase errors. Non-consumable receipts will be in your product controller. Google automatically handles restore for you and will auto-fire ProcessPurchase on first app launch after a reinstall. No extra code is needed to handle restore if you have the original purchase flow already coded. Please compare to the Sample IAP project here Sample IAP Project and Unity - Manual: Restoring Transactions

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