Thank you, @CodeSmile , for responding.
Hub attempts to open the project, and the spinning loading wheel icon appears next to the project name. However, after 10+ minutes, the project has not opened and the spinning loading wheel icon disappears. The project remains in the Hub project list with an updated “Modified” time stamp – according to how long ago I tried to open it.
I’ve inspected the Hub logs, and slimmed down the below excerpt to what seems relevant, though with my present understanding am unable to identify what the problem is:
{“timestamp”:“2023-11-11T23:56:02.503Z”,“level”:“info”,“moduleName”:“LocalProjectService”,“message”:“[ ‘openProject projectPath: D:\\UnityGamesSept2023\\TEMPLATE - Pickup Game - D Drive, current editor:’, undefined ]”}
{“timestamp”:“2023-11-11T23:56:02.533Z”,“level”:“info”,“moduleName”:“LaunchProcess”,“message”:“[ 'Spawning editor instance with command: ', ‘D:\\UnityGamesSept2023\\UnityVersionInstalls\\2019.4.7f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe’, ', and arguments: ', [ ‘-projectpath’, ‘D:\\UnityGamesSept2023\\TEMPLATE - Pickup Game - D Drive’, ‘-useHub’, ‘-hubIPC’, ‘-cloudEnvironment’, ‘production’, ‘-licensingIpc’, ‘LicenseClient-Debbie’, ‘-hubSessionId’, ‘bd247da3-2471-4f2e-8ebf-bc603ec5afe0’, ‘-accessToken’, ‘_8_K8M-dhO2TXSkEQDjPQmEwRJN6-7SMREvJYqJzWmA002f’ ] ]”}
{“timestamp”:“2023-11-11T23:56:12.543Z”,“level”:“info”,“moduleName”:“LaunchProcess”,“message”:“[ ‘child process exited with code 0’ ]”}