Hi All,
I’m very inexperienced in coding and unity. I’m trying to move gameobject by reading csv or txt file. Basic circle or rectangle is enough for the beginning. I would be happy if you helped me.
I found this code on the web but it moves on one way forever:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.IO;
public class CSVFIleReader : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject Cube;
public TextAsset csvFile;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void readCSV()
string[] records = csvFile.text.Split('
for (int i = 1; i < records.Length; i++)
string array = records*.Split(’,');* var pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(array[0]), float.Parse(array[1]), float.Parse(array[2])); } } Text file: speed,x,y,z 1,0,0,1 1,0,2,1 1,0,4,2
What should be added to code in order to read and take the position of the line:
Children (0):
Static Translation: (15.0503, 34.1802, -118.183)
from the whole text?
another one: what if there is a had or something of the object must look at the side of the movement? can be adjustable?